The human rights blindspot in deforestation action

Our third human rights briefing reveals that even the companies and financial institutions with deforestation commitments or policies rarely include human rights.

Successful action to tackle deforestation requires effective action on the human rights abuses associated with it….

Read the full publication (The human rights blindspot in deforestation action)

Webinar: The human rights blindspot in deforestation action

Join us for the launch of the third Forest 500 human rights briefing on 24 July, 14:00 – 14:45 BST.

Deforestation is intrinsically linked to human rights abuses. But just 1% of the companies most exposed to deforestation have a policy that covers all of the human rights aspects that their commodities are exposed to.

This briefing will give an overview of why companies and financial institutions must act on this critical link, outline the regulatory risks of failing to do so and offer practical guidance on where to start.

Register now
Brazil Amazon, Amazonas, Burned And Deforested Rainforest Near Jurua River, Kulina Indio Woman With Child Carry Manioc To Their Village

2024: A decade of deforestation data

After 10 years and 1.3 million data points charting the companies and financial institutions most exposed to tropical deforestation, conversion of natural ecosystems and associated human rights abuses, ‘Forest 500: A Decade of Deforestation Data’ sets out 10 lessons for enabling and accelerating action. Read our full annual report.

Read the full publication (2024: A decade of deforestation data)

Dive into the Forest 500 rankings

The new assessments of the Forest 500 companies and financial institutions with the greatest exposure to tropical deforestation risk are now available.

Explore now

More insights

Sunrise over rainforest

Global nature targets hinge on eliminating deforestation. Progress must happen as soon as possible – and can be made quickly

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Without urgent action on deforestation – which accounts for around 11% of emissions – net zero is out of reach. Over 90 percent of all deforestation is a result of clearing land for a handful of commodities like beef, soy, palm oil and timber. But this is not inevitable; commodities can be produced sustainably.